
Posts Tagged ‘connecting’

Why Hollywood will succeed where BP has failed

As efforts to contain the Gulf spill appear to be on the brink of collapse, Costner’s Ocean Therapy device is going to be tested in real life conditions – monstrously larger than life conditions, actually. As a scientist or simply a logical human being can I affirm that the device will work? No, I can’t.

But I will.  

Why? Read more…

Connect and Develop: how Procter and Gamble stepped up observing, associating, implementing

February 1, 2010 Leave a comment

Setting a co-creation and co-development mindset is increasingly a critical success factor for innovation. It impacts the entire innovation process by taking to the next level steps such as Observing, Associating, Rapid Prototyping, and overall reducing time-to-market. Read more…

To innovate, get out!

January 24, 2010 6 comments

To innovate it is useful to know something about the topic. Picasso was a painter before founding the cubist movement, sir Godfrey Hounsfield was an electrical engineer before creating the CT Scanner.

Paradoxically, as Thomas S. Kuhn demonstrates in The structure of scientific revolutions, innovation usually comes from people on the outer edge of their field, as opposed to the core establishment who are mentally and emotionally over-invested in the dominant paradigm. Read more…